A third party that is to bear civil liability in accordance with the judgment of the people's court shall be entitled to the rights and obligations of a party in litigation. 人民法院判决承担民事责任的第三人,有当事人的诉讼权利义务。
The Indemnified Party shall be entitled to undertake the defense, compromise or settlement of such claim At the expense of the Indemnifying Party. 则受补偿方应有权对该索赔进行抗辩、妥协或和解,费用由补偿方承担。
The supplier is not entitled to assign a claim against us to a third party or to have such claim collected by a third party. 供应商无权将针对我们的主张向第三方进行转让,亦无权让第三方收取该等主张的款项。
Party A shall be entitled to a preemptive right in respect of each transfer by Party B to the Third Party. 甲方对乙方向第三方的转让拥有优先购买权。
Except for Party A and the Designee ( s), no other person shall be entitled to the Equity Interest Purchase Option or other rights with respect to the equity interests of Party B. 除甲方和被指定人外,任何第三人均不得享有股权购买权或其他与乙方股权有关的权利。
The Buyer shall, however, remain entitled to collect the assigned claims, as long as WIRTGEN CHINA has not requested that the assignment be notified to the third party in question. 但如果WIRTGENCHINA未要求通知所涉第三方该转移事项,买方仍应有权向第三方主张该请求权。
Party A shall not be entitled to commission relevant to the deal, provided that Party B hasn't consummate the transaction specified in the contract. 倘若乙方与生产商之间的交易因故并未完成,则甲方无权获得与此笔交易相关之佣金。
The party requesting such inspection shall bear the cost thereof but is entitled to recover the same from the party causing the damage. 要求检验的一方应当支付检验费用,是有权向造成货物损失的责任方追偿。
Otherwise, Party A shall be entitled to pursue Party B's liability for damages caused by the leakage. 否则,甲方有权追究乙方因泄密而导致的损失赔偿责任。
Each party shall be entitled to lodge a claim against, and to be reimbursed by, the other breaching party. 如一方违反合同,另一方有权按本合同规定索赔。
The party A is entitled to inspect, or to have its agent inspect, the Goods at the ( party B's place of business or point of shipping) 在(乙方经营地或者运输地)甲方有权自行或者委托其代理人检验货物。
Party B is entitled to the corresponding labor protection and working condition by provided by Party A. 乙方享有甲方提供的相应的劳动保护和劳动条件。
Party B is entitled to all the holidays and leaves provided by the State, to which the Implementation Rules for Employees Working Hours and Holidays formulated by Party A shall apply. 乙方有享受国家规定的各类休息休假的权利,具体按甲方的《职工工作时间及休息休假管理办法》执行。
The creditors of the JV Company only have the right of recourse to the assets of the JV Company and shall not be entitled to claim for compensation, damages or other relief from a Party. “合资公司”的债权人仅对“合资公司”的资产享有追索权,而无权向《合同》或本《章程》任何一方要求补偿、损害赔偿或其它形式的救济。
Of course party members are entitled to criticize shortcomings and mistakes in Party work, but the criticism should be constructive and should include suggestions for improvement. 对党的工作中的缺点和错误,党员当然有权利进行批评,但是这种批评应该是建设性的批评,应该提出积极的改进意见。
Party A is entitled to cancel this Agreement if Party B can not finish delivery on time for times and the two sides no longer have the product or material procurement relationship. 乙方延误次以上,甲方有权就本协议予以解除,双方之间不再具有产品或物料采购关系。
Units or individuals who have suffered damage caused by marine environmental pollution shall be entitled to claim compensation from the party which caused the pollution damage. 因海洋环境污染受到损害的单位和个人,有权要求造成污染损害的一方赔偿损失。
Provided that Party B refuses to make cooperation, Party A shall be entitled to take the initiative in transferring the amount from the corresponding settlement reserve account of Party B. 乙方拒不配合的,甲方有权从乙方相应的结算备付金账户中主动扣划。
In the event of a third-party claim, with respect to which a party is entitled to indemnification hereunder Any party who fail to fulfil his contract obligation may be sued and ordered to make compensation. 如果第三方提出一方按本合同规定有权获得补偿的索赔请求不履行合同义务的任何一方都有可能受到指控并被强令赔偿损失。
The prevailing party in any litigation, arbitration or mediation relating to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees from the other party for all matters, including but not limited to appeals. 在与本协议有关的诉讼、仲裁或者调解中,胜诉的一方有权要求对方为其支付一切相关而合理的律师费用,包括(但不限于)行使请求权的费用。
Party A is entitled to terminate the contract, if Party B is not for delivery more than days and Party B must pay liquidated damages to party A. 逾期天以上,甲方有权单方解除该批定购合同,就该批合同解除乙方向甲方支付违约金元。
The seller is not entitled to rely on the provisions of the preceding paragraph if he knew of the right or claim of the third party and the nature of it. 卖方如果知道第三方的权利或要求以及此一权利或要求的性质,就无权援引上一款的规定。
But he is not entitled to enforce payment of the bill against any intervening party to whom be was previously liable. 但对于其先前有付款责任之任何中间当事人,则前述当事人无权要其就汇票付款。
The aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith, or hold the party liable for tort in accordance with any other relevant law. 受损害方有权选择依照本法要求其承担违约责任或者依照其他法律要求其承担侵权责任。
A charge in favor of the Contractor's bankers of any money due or to become due under the Contract Where the charterer fails to pay the hire as agreed upon, the shipowner shall be entitled to cancel the charter party and claim any losses resulting therefrom. 按合同规定应支付或将支付的以承包商的银行为受款人的费用承租人未按照合同约定支付租金的,出租人有权解除合同,并有权要求赔偿因此遭受的损失。
Notwithstanding other provisions in these general conditions regarding suspension, each party shall be entitled suspend the performance his obligations under the contract, where it is clear from the circumstances that the other party will not be able to perform his obligations. 尽管通用条款对延迟履约作了规定,每一方应当有在另一方明显不能履行义务的情况下延迟履行其合同规定的义务的权利。
Contract cancellation right is entitled to either of the parties to petition the People's Court or an arbitration institution for canceling the concluded contract, because a party's intention is not expressed genuinely, which makes the contract invalid from the time of its formation. 合同撤销权,是指合同已经成立,但因当事人意思表示不真实,从而赋予一方当事人向人民法院或仲裁机构申请撤销,使合同溯及自始归于无效的权利。
The procuratorial organs should stand the plaintiff's status in civil action, be entitled to the rights and obligations of normal party in litigation, and the judg-ments should be valid for any interested party who has not participated in the proceedings. 检察机关在民事诉讼中应处于原告的诉讼地位,与普通当事人享有平等的诉讼权利义务,判决的效力也应当及于未参加诉讼的实体权利义务人。
Secondly, starting with the analysis of relevant Chinese law and considering the balance between the shipowner and cargo interest, it is proposed that the actual carrier is not entitled to lien on the cargo owned by the third party in non-vessel-operating service. 其二,从分析我国相关法律规定入手,并考虑到各方利益的平衡得出了海运实际承运人无权留置第三人货物的结论。